Get ready! Hybrid solar eclipse on November 3

Much of the world can see at least a partial solar eclipse on Sunday, November 3. From North America’s east coast, the eclipse will be in progress at sunrise.

There is a special kind of solar eclipse coming up on Sunday, November 3, 2013. It’s a hybrid solar eclipse. That is, the eclipse appears fleetingly as an annular – or ring eclipse – at its start and becomes a brief total eclipse later on. But much of the world sees a partial eclipse. The eclipse will be visible from far-eastern North America, the Caribbean, northern South America, southern Greenland, the Atlantic Ocean, southern Europe, Africa, Madagascar and the Middle East. Keep in mind that you’ll absolutely need proper eye protection to watch this or any solar eclipse. Please use caution to prevent blindness or severe eye injury! Follow the links below to learn more about the November 3, 2013 solar eclipse.

Animation of 2013 November 3 solar eclipse. The large gray circle shows the area of the partial solar eclipse. The very small dark dot in the middle depicts the path of the total solar eclipse.

View larger. | Annular eclipse by Hiroki Ono. On November 3, 2013, the eclipse will be annular just as it begins, over the Atlantic

Eastern North America sees a partial solar eclipse beginning at sunrise November 3. We start first with far-eastern North America, the Caribbean and the northwestern tip of South America, where the eclipse will be seen as a very shallow (and shrinking) partial solar eclipse. It may – or may not – be perceptible as the sun rises on November 3. We give the local times of the eclipse for chosen cities from as far north as Montreal, Canada, and as far south as Cartagena, Columbia. If your locality isn’t mentioned, you can find out if the eclipse is visible in your area, and at what times, by using an eclipse calculator. If the eclipse is visible for you, be sure to find an unobstructed horizon in the direction of sunrise, for the eclipsed sun will be hovering very close the horizon.

Eclipse times:

Canada: Montreal, Quebec Sunrise: 6:35 a.m. EST Partial eclipse ends: 7:12 a.m. EST

  United States: New York City, NY Sunrise: 6:29 a.m. EST Partial eclipse ends: 7:11 a.m. EST

  Raleigh, North Carolina Sunrise: 6:39 a.m. EST Partial eclipse ends: 7:08 a.m. EST

  Miami, Florida Sunrise: 6:31 a.m. EST Partial eclipse ends: 7:02 a.m. EST

  Caribbean: Havana, Cuba Sunrise: 6:34 a.m. EST Partial eclipse ends: 7:00 a.m. EST

  South America: Cartagena, Columbia 
Sunrise: 5:52 a.m. local time Partial eclipse ends: 6:52 a.m. local time Europe, Africa and the Middle East see solar eclipse in afternoon hours November 3. The western portions of Europe and Africa will see the greatest eclipse around noon or early afternoon. For far-eastern Africa, Madagascar and the Middle East, the eclipse will take place in the late afternoon or close to sunset. Remember to use eye protection!

  Local eclipse times: Madrid, Spain Partial eclipse begins: 1:00 p.m. local time Greatest eclipse: 1:35 p.m. local time Partial eclipse ends: 2:10 p.m. local time

  Algiers, Algeria Partial eclipse begins: 1:15 p.m. local time Greatest eclipse: 1:56 p.m. local time Partial eclipse ends: 2:36 p.m. local time

  Jerusalem, Israel Partial eclipse begins: 3:12 p.m. local time Greatest eclipse: 4:00 p.m. local time Partial eclipse ends: 4:43 p.m. local time

The total solar eclipse path crosses Gabon at 13:54 Universal Time (UT) and finally leaves the Earth’s surface in Somalia at 14:27 UT

Equatorial Africa views short-lived total solar eclipse in afternoon hours November 3. Well over 99.9% of the eclipse viewing area will see varying degrees of a partial solar eclipse. On land, a total solar eclipse will be visible along a very narrow track in equatorial Africa (Gabon, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia) sometime during the afternoon hours on Sunday, November 3. At best, the total eclipse will last somewhat more than one minute (in western Gabon). Either of the two eclipse calculators listed below will enable you to compute the eclipse times for your locality. The U.S. Naval Observatory gives the eclipse times in Universal Time, so you need to convert to local time. The eclipse calculator from gives the times in local time, so no time conversion is necessary.

A solar eclipse results whenever the new moon swings directly in between the sun and Earth, The dark cone-shaped shadow is called the umbra and the faint shadow outside the umbra is called the penumbra. All places on Earth within the umbra see a total solar eclipse, and all places within the penumbra see a partial eclipse of the sun.

source and credit a earthsky ( a special paragraph, a very complete entry ) / por ahi se traducio mal, pero me referia que un parrafo especial para por que hicieron como siempre, una entrada muy completa! )
