Files shed light on MoD UFO desk closure

Image credit: Nick Pope

Newly declassified files have provided new insight in to the reason the MoD stopped looking in to UFOs. Originally set up to investigate UFO sightings and to establish their potential as a defense risk, the UFO desk was eventually discontinued on the basis that it was found to be serving no discernible defense purpose and was taking staff away from more important affairs. The department had investigated cases of Unidentified Flying Objects over the UK for more than 50 years until finally closing its doors in December 2009.
"The level of resources diverted to this task is increasing in response to a recent upsurge in reported sightings, diverting staff from more valuable defence-related activities," RAF civil servant Carl Mantell had said during a briefing for the defense minister of the time, Bob Ainsworth. "No UFO sighting reported to [the MoD] has ever revealed anything to suggest an extra-terrestrial presence or military threat to the UK." The Ministry of Defence closed its UFO desk because it served "no defence purpose" and was taking staff away from "more valuable defence-related activities", newly released files show.

source and credit a unexplained-mysteries
