Woman unveils Bigfoot hair and skin samples

Betty Klopp believes Bigfoot exists and claims that she has the hair and skin samples to prove it. The samples were originally collected by her parents who had been driving along towing a small trailer in the 1960s when they were forced to swerve to avoid a figure standing in the middle of the road. When they got out to investigate there was no sign of anyone or anything, however the next day they discovered skin and hair snagged on to the back of the trailer.
"This is something you don't run into every day, quite literally," said Klopp. To find out more about the samples she had them sent to the University of Montana for testing about three years ago, however researchers were unable to identify the species because the DNA had deteriorated too much. Betty Klopp has been holding on to these strands of hair and bits of skin for nearly 45 years. "Of course I've kept it," Klopp told KPIC News. "I wouldn't give it up for anything. "

source and credit a unexplained-mysteries
