Sir Andrew Motion: 'Count stars to help fight light pollution'

In a rallying call, Sir Andrew Motion launches Star Count 2013: a campaign to stop light pollution blinding us to the stars.

The heavens’ embroidered cloths: a stargazer at work Photo: Alamy

Bill Bryson, my predecessor as president of the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), once said, “Glance at the night sky and what you see is history, and lots of it. Our faithful companion the North Star appears not as it is now, but as it was when its light left it some time during the early 14th century.” If watching the stars is the closest we can get to time travel, then a campaign to raise our sights to what is above us, and to combat the light pollution that increasingly robs us of our celestial views, is all the more vital. And so I am delighted that The Daily Telegraph is supporting Star Count 2013, and I hope that you, its readers, can help make it our most successful yet. For me, dark skies are so important for the inspiration they provide; artists, philosophers, scientists and poets have all found a muse in the night sky for millennia, and it seemed only natural for ''stars’’ to be the theme of last year’s National Poetry Day. On a spiritual level, the darkness of the night sky pulls at two of our most primal emotions: first, that existential searching for the meaning of life and our place in the universe; the shudder we get from feeling very small in the face of something very big. We look at the night sky and think, “I am nothing; I am here for an infinitely short time.” The second is the thrill we get from placing ourselves in just enough discomfort to begin to feel the power of nature that the Romantics felt. Out walking or fishing at night – even in countryside that may be familiar during the day – our imagination amplifies the shuffling of badgers and squeaking of bats, plunging us into alien darkness and expanding our private universe. In our risk-averse culture it does us good to remember our place in the natural world – the vulnerability of humanity – and the power of darkness only adds to our sense of what beauty is.

 Loss of light forces us to slow down and look closer, creating a more powerful engagement with nature. Wordsworth recognised the pleasures of the moonlit ramble, where ''at the dead of night’’ even the discovery of a hedgehog becomes a ''small adventure’’. So we too must learn to embrace the darkness; the thrill of escaping from cosseting health and safety, discovering the sounds and smells of the night with heightened senses. The tranquillity of darkness is perfect for contemplating the ancients who drew so much from the stars. Far more recently, our own great-grandparents would have enjoyed this close relationship with the night sky, perhaps traipsing through crepuscular landscapes to gather corn under a harvest moon. That rural sense of settledness evoked by Samuel Palmer’s Cornfield by Moonlight already represented a land of lost content by the time he painted it, around 1830. By exchanging the soot and fire of London for shadowy seclusion in the Kent village of Shoreham,

 Palmer was able to draw closer to his life’s inspiration – sky-scapes of dusk, twilight and pulsing constellations. He found the darkness of Kent a portal to a gentler rural past, where the beauty of the night sky – the waxing and waning of the moon, and the eternal configurations of the stars – afforded deeper connections to life, work and other worlds. Palmer’s rich legacy of rural beauty was initially kept alive by the etcher FL Griggs. It was fitting that by designing the emblem of the fledgling Council for the Preservation of Rural England in 1926, Griggs maintained the link from Palmer and the Romantics to the early environmental movement. Fitting too that CPRE should become the leading defender of our dark skies; our satellite maps of England’s light pollution illustrating the march of industrialisation which has continued, unrelenting, since Palmer’s time. Between 1993 and 2000, CPRE data showed that light pollution increased by 26 per cent, and only 11 per cent of the country had truly dark skies by the turn of the millennium. As lighting has become cheaper and more powerful, it has blazed forth from increasing numbers of roads, car parks, industrial estates, sports fields, gardens and driveways. If you still have a good view of the stars, you are almost certainly in the countryside. But even there it is becoming difficult to escape the orange skyglow from nearby towns and roads, and the security lighting increasingly spilling from homes and developments in rural areas. Light pollution is blurring the distinction between town and countryside, like a veil of light spreading out across the night sky. There is no doubt that, in many places, good lighting is needed. But we’re seeing a general trend of excessive lighting and signage which intends to give the perception of reducing risk, without necessarily making us any safer.

Darkness in itself is not dangerous; whether we are walking, cycling or driving in the dark we must adapt, slow down and take extra precautions. Because of the recession, councils have been reducing street lighting since 2007 in order to save money. In 2010, Leicestershire’s director of environment and transport launched their “switch-off”, explaining that “experience from other councils which have already switched off lights shows that neither accidents nor crime increase and, in some areas, anti-social behaviour can decrease, as it makes certain areas less attractive to hang around”. Research last autumn by The Telegraph showed that all of England’s 27 county councils have dimmed or switched off street lights in their areas. At the same time, the Government published statistics on road fatalities in 2011 showing that they were one third lower than the average number of fatalities between 2005 and 2009. The accompanying statistics on contributory factors listed the 76 most common causes of road accidents – an absence of street lighting was not among them. There are arguments that street lighting may even encourage motorists to speed up, while reducing their concentration. Where crime is concerned, what could be better than a halogen security light to show a thief what is on offer? Turning off suburban street lights in Saffron Walden almost halved crime rates, while numerous studies and official statistics have prevented the Association of British Insurers from recommending outdoor lighting as a crime deterrent. And then there is the lighting for pleasure, which causes pain to others: floodlit golf driving ranges hinder the view of the stars from Stonehenge and the New Forest National Park, while churches and other historic buildings continue to be wastefully up-lit. And excessive lighting isn’t just a benign extravagance; it is a colossal waste of money and energy at a time when both are in short supply, never mind the unintended consequences for the feeding, breeding and migration of wildlife, as well as intrusive lighting into nearby homes. The really encouraging news is that darker skies are within our reach; improving technology means it is increasingly easy to ensure light is directed only where and when it is needed, and at the optimum intensity. And that, combined with the growing awareness of thousands of new stargazers who will refuse to accept bad lighting, means the conditions are perfect for halting the spread of light pollution. Within the next decade, we should aim for darkness levels that will give all children a better chance to see the Milky Way, a sight our grandparents took for granted. There were encouraging signs in last year’s Star Count, which showed that the number of stargazers experiencing severe light pollution had fallen to 53 per cent, down from 54 per cent in 2007’s survey.

A note of caution came from Bob Mizon of the Campaign for Dark Skies – our Star Count partner – who reminded us that ''only one per cent consistently saw enough stars to suggest they had a truly dark sky”. But we need more people to join in to make these figures more robust. As well as producing a Star Count map showing the impact of light pollution around the country, the data will help our campaigners work with the Government and local councils to improve national policies and implement practical schemes to reduce it. Around the country, CPRE’s county branches have already been working with local councils and businesses to introduce energy-efficient, downward-facing lights. It seems the only thing that could halt this admirable progress is the reckless weakening of the planning system, which could allow more urban sprawl and new development in open countryside. Where buildings and roads go, light follows. Our Star Count project will help pinpoint the areas that need to do more to reduce light pollution. And this isn’t just about pressuring decision-makers, it is about changing our own attitudes towards wastefulness and ''health and safety’’. We all need to switch more lights off (or use less powerful ones) and we all need to question pointless lighting – a good first point of call is to let your local CPRE branch know, via Apart from monitoring negative effects, we hope that Star Count 2013 will identify the best places to stargaze, following the recent designation of Exmoor National Park as Europe’s first Dark Sky Reserve. Star Count is an exciting project that we hope will build on the growing popularity of stargazing, and have a real impact in making star-filled skies more accessible to everyone. Because rural skies are darker than most, amateur astronomy is the perfect way to help people forge a stronger connection with their countryside – and I’m particularly keen that young people take up that opportunity. It is vital that young people adapt to technology; it will undeniably be a part of their future.

I’m not suggesting that iPad minis, for example, are inherently bad. But I’m hoping that torches and telescopes will become the gifts most requested by children who feel willing and able to explore after dark. How to take part You need have no existing knowledge of the night sky – just the ability to count, and five minutes of spare time. Simply go out after dark any time between Friday, February 8 and Saturday, February 16, and count the number of stars you can see within the four corner points of the Orion constellation – the great hunter. The easiest way to find Orion is to look in the south-west sky for three bright stars close together in an almost-straight line. These three stars represent Orion’s Belt. The two bright stars to the north are his shoulders and the two to the south are his feet – you don’t need to count the corner points, just the stars you can see within them. Enter your survey results online at Seeing more than 30 stars within Orion means you’re lucky enough to have truly dark skies; fewer than 10 indicates severe light pollution. You can also share your photographs and results on the CPRE Facebook and Twitter pages. With the naked eye we can see around 2,000 stars from any one spot, and the average distance between those stars is a staggering 20 million million miles. A good telescope can allow you to see as many as 300,000 stars. Everyone who participates in the Star Count will be entered into a prize draw for the chance to win a Celestron AstroMaster 130 HQ telescope donated by David Hinds Ltd.

Star Count 2013 is organised in partnership with the British Astronomical Association’s Campaign for Dark Skies. The campaign is vital for understanding the problems of light pollution, and your survey results will help us build a nationwide picture of the night sky, helping find the best viewing places – and the spots where we need to take action if we’re to improve your chances of seeing the stars. For more information:

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