Police stumped by paranormal activity

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A police station in New Zealand is said to have been home to paranormal occurrences for over 20 years. Hornby station in Christchurch might seem like any ordinary police station, but for those who work there the place has been the subject of numerous paranormal mysteries. In the dead of night some officers have reported hearing strange footsteps upstairs, lights going on and off by themselves and the feeling of a 'presence' that nobody can explain.
"If you're in the station by yourself, strange things happen," said Senior Sergeant Pete Laloli who has run the station for two decades. Senior Constable Gary Malzard, who has worked there for almost as long has personally experienced such incidents. "From time to time you hear things. Lights will go on. It's really strange," he said. "It makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up." Officers at the Hornby station say there have been paranormal occurrences in the building for many years, but there are no clues on who the phantom may be.

fuente, unexplained-mysteries
